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Consider the following example:
There are four possible routes that avoid the bad intersection at (1, 1): DDRRR, RRDDR, RRDRD and RRRDD.  We can start at the top-left and fill each square with the possible number of routes that lead to it:
Implementation in Perl:
use warnings;
use strict;
sub count_paths
  my @bad = @_;
  my $nr = @bad;
  my $nc = @{$bad[0]};
  my @paths = map { [ map { 0 } @{$bad[0]} ] } @bad;
  for my $r (0 .. $nr - 1)
    for my $c (0 .. $nc - 1)
      next if $bad[$r][$c];
      my $np = $r == 0 && $c == 0 ? 1 : 0;
      $np += $paths[$r - 1][$c]    if $r > 0 && !$bad[$r - 1][$c];
      $np += $paths[$r]    [$c - 1] if $c > 0 && !$bad[$r]    [$c - 1];
      $paths[$r][$c] = $np;
  return $paths[$nr - 1][$nc - 1];
my @bad = ( [0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0]);
my $np = count_paths @bad;
print $np, "\n";

Revision as of 02:00, 14 July 2020