Stony Brook Algorithm Repository

Graph: Polynomial-time Problems

Connected Components

Topological Sorting

Minimum Spanning Tree

Shortest Path

Transitive Closure and Reduction


Eulerian Cycle/Chinese Postman

Edge and Vertex Connectivity

Network Flow

Drawing Graphs Nicely

Drawing Trees

Planarity Detection and Embedding

Recommended Books

Leda : A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing by Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan Naher Network Flows : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin Algorithms in C++: Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching by Robert Sedgewick
Graph Algorithms by S. Even The Boost Graph Library: user guide and reference manual by J. Siek and L. Lee and A. Lumsdaine Algorithmic Graph Theory by A. Gibbons
Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook by M. Atallah The Handbook of Graph Algorithms and Applications by K. Thulasiraman and T. Nishizeki and G. Xue Graph Algorithms, 2nd Edition by Shimon Even and Guy Even
Graphs, Algorithms, and Optimization, Second Edition by William Kocay and Donald L. Kreher Algorithms in Java, Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition) (Pt.5) by Robert Sedgewick Graphs, Networks and Algorithms by Dieter Jungnickel
Algorithms in C, Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition) (Pt.5) by Robert Sedgewick Algorithms in C++, Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition) (Pt.5) by Robert Sedgewick

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